In September, FDA’s Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) officially launched ORA News and Stories, a brand new, public-facing platform on, which provides unique stories of what ORA does at the forefront of public health. Featuring news, conversations, media coverage and “behind the scenes” stories, this month’s feature article, Scrutiny and Safety at Toyosu Market, takes consumers along Consumer Safety Officer Derek Dealy’s investigation of one of the largest wholesale fish markets in the world. With more than 90 percent of U.S. seafood coming from other countries, and concerns over vulnerabilities during transportation, including proper refrigeration, and bacterial growth, the investigator discusses particular focus on evaluating scombrotoxin risk.
Microbiologist Nancy Miranda’s work is highlighted in another feature, where she discusses how her team and lab colleagues are tracking down pathogens, such as Cronobacter sakazakii, in infant formulas.
Do we see a new reality TV show in the making? Maybe not yet, but the new site certainly provides some refreshing perspective of ORA’s work and gives regulated industry an additional opportunity to learn about ongoing FDA enforcement priorities.